- 防爆电器类
- 防爆插头插座
- 防爆转换开关
- 防爆照明开关
- 防爆操作柱1
- PXK正压型防爆配电箱
- 防爆照明配电箱
- bxmd防爆配电箱
- 不锈钢防爆配电箱
- 006企鹅体育直播
- BSZ防爆石英钟
- (无插件)直播体育
- 防爆电加热油汀暖气
- 防爆照明开关箱
- 006免费体育直播
- LBZ隔爆操作柱
- 铝合金防爆操作柱
- BQC防爆磁力启动器
- BLK52防爆断路器开关
- BXX51防爆检修箱非标
- 铝合金防爆动力配电箱原理
- 2路防爆配电箱定做
- 防爆接线箱现货
- 防爆电动葫芦按钮
- 防爆倒顺开关
- 防爆电笛
- 防雨罩
- 防爆检修插座箱
- 防爆喊话器
- 防爆断路器
- 防爆防腐配电箱
- 防爆现场操作箱
- 防爆控制按钮箱
- 防爆控制箱
- 防腐防爆操作柱
- 防水防尘操作柱
- 防爆电话机
- 防爆动力配电箱
- 防爆动力检修箱
- BXJ51防爆接线箱
- 防爆配电箱
- 防爆电磁启动配电箱
- 无火花防爆插销
- 防爆照明/转换/行程开关
- BDL-125防爆电铃
- 防爆操作柱
- BZA51防爆镇流器
- 防爆磁力启动器
国标防爆挂式操作柱适用范围 Application
Can be used in Zone 1and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB group explosive atmosphere.
国标防爆挂式操作柱型号含义 Model implication
总单元含义 Applicatinon of chief part
*单元含义 Application of first part
第二单元 Application of second part
第三单元 Application of third pqrt
第四单元 Application of third part
产品特点 Features
1.Al-alloy diecasted shell with plastic-sprayed surface
2. 内装万能转换开关、按钮、电流表(可按用要求
2. Inside is mounted univeral changeover swith,button,ammeter(can mountother
装其他仪表)、指示灯. instruments according to user's requirement)and indicator,etc.
3. 转换开关有30多种功能可由用户自由选择,可根据
3. There are more than 30 functions of changeover switch available to be chosen
4. 万能开关操纵机构经过优化设计,可以自动找正,能
4. Can be customized according to user's requirement.
5. 电流表量程由用户.
5. The ammeter'smeasuring range can be determinedby users.
6. 钢管或电缆布线均可.
6. Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring.
7. 产品出厂铭牌上只体现总单元内容,名分单元代号
7. The marker of product when ex-factory only reflect the content of chief part,为订货参数
The code of other parts is ordering parameter.
8. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求.
8. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.